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What are my chances and why?

When I ran for Congress, I ran against an incumbent and 8 other primary candidates. I ran against the power of PAC money and the "club" which seeks to restrict who gets in . Most of the candidates had similar platforms and agreed on most issues. I came in 4th.

This time, I run against only the incumbent. The money required, though substantial, is not in the six figures (I hope). The contrast between the incumbent and myself could not be more defined.

Everything will come down to the votes. Who votes.

Here are some interesting numbers:

In District 2, in 2020, there were 64,200 registered voters. 24,800 Democrats, 14,371 Republicans, and 24,414 UNAs.

Conservatives were outnumbered. The math was against us.

HOWEVER, for the upcoming election in November of 2024, in District 2, things have changed. NOW, we have 66,216 registered voters. 18,830 are Democrats, 19,327 are Republicans, and 27,522 are UNAs. The math, this time is in my favor.

I cannot get to office without help. Please consider a contribution to my campaign account. In a campaign, money is ammunition. I am willing to fight for you, but I need ammunition.

Go to the donate option on my website today. Be part of the fight . Help get a conservative voice on the county commission.

Now is our chance.

Thank you for helping me to help you.


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