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Help Put a Conservative on The Buncombe County Comission

We have an unusual (and empowering) request. Bruce O’Connell (former congressional
candidate and owner of Pisgah Inn) is trying hard to run for Buncombe County Commissioner,
District 2, as an UNAFFILIATED candidate.
Because he is unaffiliated, he will not be allowed on the ballot unless he gets you and
2799 other voters to sign a petition.

We need your help immediately.

You will need to print this out and put your signature (and other information) on it. Feel free to
gather additional signatures as well. Then, either mail it to Bruce or email us, and we will
arrange to pick it up. We promise: There is no catch. This is simply democracy at work. You
will not be added to a contact database by signing the petition.


Download and Print Your Petition!

Tips, and suggestions for getting valid signatures.


Go to friends and family first. Democrats, Republicans, or any registered voter can sign. District 2 only (see zip codes and communities included If in doubt, get the signature)


  1. Ask friends and family if they would take a blank petition and get signatures to fill up a page.

  2. Explain this is not a vote, it is only to get the candidate on the ballot. UA candidates are being unduly kept off the ballot.

  3. Explain the UAs are the largest voting block in the County and have no representation.

  4. Explain that Parties like Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, the Green party, and No-Labels do not need a petition, only UA candidates need to do this extra step. It is unfair.

  5. Explain that this is a chance to break up the monopoly that the two major parties have.

  6. Encourage them to take a petition and fill up a page.

  7. Explain that handwriting needs to be legible or the signature will be rejected.

  8. Explain that online or digital petitions are not permitted. Hard copies only. The system makes this hard, but we can win with effort and hard work.

  9. Explain that if we do not get me on the ballot, there will not be a challenger to the liberal democrat who is running. No Republican is running!

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